Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Procedure of Claim Proposal Toward Car Insurance

The advantage of having your car insured is that you don’t have to worry that something unwanted happens to your car. Whether it’s scratched, stolen, or hit, you can let the loss be guaranteed by the insurance company as long as any type of risk is included in the agreement inside of the car insurance policy. But of course it has procedure to make your insurance company approve your claim. The very first thing you have to do to make the insurance company approve you claim is that you have to pay your premium regularly as per agreement with no exception.

If you propose a claim for stolen car, you need to prepare written car losing information from local police department, insurance policy, and copy of ID and vehicle registration to be handed to insurance provider. Well of course you have to get through the investigation from insurance company first before they replace your car with a new one. On the other hand if your car get hit or damaged, you have to prepare the same yet relevant document to be shown to the insurance provider. Then the insurance agent will do survey first to your car to determine the next procedure. You can’t just show your car up in the appointed auto service once your car get hit or scratched without notifying the insurance company. Then if it’s sufficient, your insurance company will issue the order letter to the auto service to repair your car.


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